$39.50 USD

2 monthly payments

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I understand this course is for educational purposes only. This course is not meant to be therapy or medical treatment, does not replace therapy or medical treatment, and it does not establish a psychotherapist-patient relationship.

Refund Policy 

The skills you learn in the course are research-backed and evidence-based. But if you don’t find the material helpful, we will fully refund your purchase, provided that you have completed 50% or less of the course and have submitted a refund request within 30 days of your purchase. To request a refund, please email [email protected]

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Keeping Mommy in Mind Payment Plan

When you had your baby, you expected some things would change.

But you might not have expected the ways you would change.

If you're like most moms, you were under the impression motherhood would be magical.

You knew you'd be tired, of course, but beyond that? Things would feel natural. Even easy. You'd be head-over-heels for your baby the moment you laid eyes on them. You'd feel closer to your partner than ever before.

But that's not exactly how it went down—and so you've been having some feelings. Big ones. Ugly ones. Sometimes scary ones. 

like grief and resentment. Anxiety and confusion. Anger, loneliness, and that one you're feeling right now. Plus guilt. So much guilt.

Listen closely now, OK? You're not a "terrible" mother for having these "bad" feelings. You're someone who's had your whole world turned upside down—in both beautiful and brutal ways—by a tiny human who requires constant attention. 

That's not magical. That's hard. Keeping Mommy in Mind can help.



Refund Policy 
The skills you learn in the course are research-backed and evidence-based. But if you don’t find the material helpful, we will fully refund your purchase, provided that you have completed 50% or less of the course and have submitted a refund request within 30 days of your purchase. To request a refund, please email [email protected]